Children can be perceived as innocent, naïve and fragile because they have not yet experienced much life. Do not be fooled by the look of innocence because some children may have a world of sexual experimentation in their past. Children who experiment with sexual behavior in their youth can be known as juvenile sex offenders. According to the article, “Adolescent Sex Offenders,” by John Davis, et. al. “The juvenile sexual offender is defined as a youth, from puberty to the legal age of majority, who commits any sexual act with a person of any age, against the victims will, without consent, or in an aggressive, exploitive or threatening manner.” More times than not, children experimenting with these types of behavior are abusing a child younger than they are and against their free will.
Wendy Koch from USA Today wrote about a study performed by Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire. “The study, based on 2004 law enforcement data, finds that juvenile sex offenders commonly target children younger than they are. Their numbers increase sharply at age 12 and plateau at 14” (Koch). As if parents of young children did not have enough to worry about with pedophiles in the community, they need to be cautious of other juveniles within close vicinity of their children. “Juveniles are 36% of all sex offenders who victimize children. Seven out of eight are at least 12 years old, and 93% are boys.” Parents of possible victims and parents of possible offenders have much to worry about.
The question to ask is; what is causing this sexual experimentation at such a young age? According to Child Services Practice Notes on “Understanding Juvenile Sex Offenders,” for North Carolina’s Child Welfare Social Workers from the North Carolina Division of Social Services and the Family of Children’s Resource Program, “sexual offending behaviors are extremely complex—the theory most widely accepted today is known as the “learning theory,” which holds that sexually abusive behavior in children is linked to many factors, including exposure to sexuality and/or violence, early childhood experiences (e.g., sexual victimization), exposure to child pornography and advertising, substance abuse, heightened arousal to children, and exposure to aggressive role models/family violence.” Basically, children experimenting with sexual behavior are doing so because they were exposed to some type of similar behavior at a young age. They may deem this type of behavior as normal being that it was done to them and they do not know any better. “Children who sexually abuse are far more likely than the general population to have been physically, sexually, or otherwise abused. Studies indicate that between 40% and 80% of sexually abusive youth have themselves been sexually abused, and that 20% to 50% have been physically abused” (Child Services).
Most would say that juvenile sex offenders are not only victimizing other children but are victims themselves. There is heightened controversy over punishment, treatment and registry of juvenile sex offenders. Some say that because they are victims themselves, they should not be punished but treated for their behavior. Others say that their behavior should not be condoned and they should be registered as a sex offender just like adults under Meghan’s Law. The law states that “If a youth is exiting a Division of Youth Corrections placement, they must register five days prior to release into the community” (Davis). This raises that controversy because these children are under the age of 18 and people think that their identity and record should be protected.
The right decision may never surface. In all honesty, parents would rather know what child is living in their neighborhood with a history of sexual behavior to protect and watch out for their own children. Treatment may be enough for some children and prevent them from sexually offending again, but will not be enough for all. Sexually offending as a child could lead to sexual offenses in adulthood. “A common belief about juvenile sexual offenders is that even after treatment, most will offend again” (Child Services). Take this as a warning.
Work Cited:
“Understanding Juvenile Sex Offenders.” Child Services: Practice Notes for North Carolina Child Welfare Social Workers from the North Carolina Division of Social Services and the Family of Children’s Resource Programs 7 (May 2002): Web. 19 July 2010.
Davis, John, Connie Isaac, Sandy Lane and Gail Ryan. “Adolescent Sex Offenders.” Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal. Web. 19 July 2010.
Koch, Wendy. “Study: Many sex offenders are kids themselves.” USA Today. 5 Jan 2010. Web. 19 July 2010.
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This is very interesting, but are there statistics that show how many youths recidivate? Since adult sex offenders actually do not recidivate as much as society thinks that they do.